Tuesday, 6 July 2010

What A Little Cutie! Our Latest Newborn Photo Shoot

We had the absolute pleasure of photographing little baby Reagan in our studio this week. Reagan is only a few weeks old and I'm sure you'll all agree she's a little cutie!

Reagan's mum - actually it's "mom" because she is from the states Candice was very well prepared for the shoot and came along with the most beautiful little headband and hat that she had been sent from a photographer friend in the US.

Newborn and baby photography in the US is big business and I have to say we are very influenced by the best of them. When it comes to using props such as crochet hats and baskets, cocoons, even slings like the stalk may bring the US photographers are streets ahead of us over here in the UK. In fact it's rather diffult to source good props over here in our experience - for our baby hats we have had the pattens sent from the US and had one of our grannies make them for us!

We hope that we can make a difference to how babies are photographed over here. We have changed the way we shoot newborn sessions so that they take a lot longer (usually around 2 - 3 hours) and during the shoot the baby will be awake, sleep and generally very chilled out. The whole experience is designed to be minimum of stress and maximum of pleasure for the parents. We hope that Candice and Dad Jake found this to be the case for little Reagan's photo session.

So - on with the pictures! The three we've selected here are three of our favourites but the whole shoot can be viewed on the slideshow.

Apologies if any You Tube ads come up along the bottom of the show - just click them away if they do!

We wish Candice, Jake and Reagan well and look forward to welcoming them all back to our studio for more photos as the family grows!

1 comment:

  1. These photos are just stunning. I run a baby hat boutique which is really popular with photographers so if there's ever anything you're looking for just give me a shout and I'll see what I can do. The website is Hats my Baby - http://www.hatsmybaby.co.uk
