Monday 12 April 2010

Candlelighters Book Project - An Update

As we have seen the first daffodils of spring appear it reminded us that it is now a year since we started on our Candlelighters book project. We had a couple of people who asked us to wait until this spring in order to take pictures of their kids either walking (where they were too young) or in a similar place to their cousins.

We are very sad to report that we haven't managed to secure anywhere near our target number of bookings/shoots for this project as we had hoped. In fact if we had simply donated the amount of money we have spent promoting the project - which includes having postcards printed and distributed, paying for the services of a PR agent in order to get the project off the ground, paying for press advertising in different areas and having other publicity material printed to just name a few things we have done then the charity would, ironically have received a greater donation. All the money collected for the places in the book for the shoots has been paid into the Candlelighters bank account. Our time has been freely given as per our original promise and some of the shoots have taken precedence over our "paying" customers as they were weather dependant.

Along the way however we have met some very inspirational people - one which springs immediately to mind is Dan Dickinson from Bridlington - who is I believe a shining example to us all as to what can be achieved even against all the odds. We wish Dan and Caroline every future happiness and sincerely hope that Dan continues to make the amazing progress he has made in his fight against Leukaemia so far. A volunteer from Harrogate Candlelighters who must also have a mention is Susann Mick. Susann has stood out in her efforts to help us to make the scheme a success - and for that we thank her.

So, as the first anniversary passes we are drawing a line under this project now and are scheduling into the studio editing program the design time necessary to design the book. Due to the low numbers of participants the book will not be produced in the original numbers we had anticipated and the final cost is yet to be confirmed but we are planning to have it made from an online site where you will be able to order your copies directly. As soon as it is designed and available to order we will be writing to all the families who have supported the scheme with details of where they can order their copies.

To the families who did participate we hope you enjoyed the shoot and like the pictures we choose for you for the book. Thank you for your support.

Lastly an update on Jacob - Andy's son - who was the inspiration behind us embarking on this project. He continues to do well in his residential school placement but this year has been a very difficult year with him health wise and he's been in hospital a lot for a variety for different reasons. On three occasions we have come very close to losing him altogether. We thank God for each day we have with him and pray that there will be many, many more to come. We would like to thank Hull Royal Infirmary for their excellent care (specifically accident and emergency and paediatrics) over him and New Options, Barton upon Humber for the continuing day to day care and love they show to him. Some of the people whose names we don't know will never probably know what a difference they have made to our and Jacob's life as they went about their day to day duties at work. Thank God for the Carers, Doctors and Nurses, the skills and intuition that they have which have all this year served to keep our son safe. May God bless you all "real good".

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